Tourism Business Resilience Workshops
January 16, 2018
The Next Generation of Flood Monitoring is Being Built in Southeastern Virginia
March 28, 2018

Tourism Business Resilience Workshops [Follow-Up]

Monday (February 26th) and Wednesday (February 28th) the Tourism Business Resilience Workshops took place in Virginia Beach and Williamsburg. The main goal of the workshops was to assist business owners and managers in assessing the level of resilience of their businesses to natural hazards, such as flooding and hurricanes, and to provide them with the tools to increase their resilience and business continuity. The workshop included presentations from Dr. Michelle Covi (Old Dominion University and Virginia Sea Grant), Dr. Lindsay Usher (Old Dominion University) and Dr. Wie Yusuf (Old Dominion University). In addition to the listed presenters, Jim and Annemarie Dickerson (owners of Francis Scott Key Resort) were the keynote speakers. Attendees were able to hear about their lessons learned from dealing with natural hazards while in the tourism industry.

Attendees participated in an interactive activity that gave them insight on just how resilient their businesses are during extreme weather events and how to take action to make their businesses more resilient. The activity introduced The Tourism Business Resilience Self-Assessment tool. This tool allows business owners and managers to evaluate the resilience of their business and it also provides them with links and resources to improve their planning, preparedness, continuity, communications and more. Those who were able to attend the event left the workshop more aware of what their business should do to become more resilient in the face of natural hazards/extreme weather events. Take a look at the slideshow that was presented during the workshop, feel free to take the self-assessment and please keep a lookout for more workshops in the future!

Tourism Business Resilience Self-Assessment

This self-assessment is a simple and inexpensive method for businesses and organizations in the tourism sector
Take Self-Assessment

Workshop Presentation Slideshow

Take a look at the slideshow presented at the workshop.
View slideshow

Thank-you to the workshop sponsors for their support!

Williamsburg Economic Development
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