The Commonwealth Center for Recurrent Flooding Resiliency provides a mechanism for research at ODU, VIMS and VCPC at William and Mary Law School to support local, regional, or Commonwealth decision-making in the area of flooding resilience.

If your locality or political subdivision would like the CCRFR partners to undertake a new project or conduct research in a specific area, please feel free to reach out to us directly; this will help to educate the CCRFR partners on the importance of your research need. Alternatively, please submit your research need via the form below.

While we are happy to consider proposals on a rolling basis, for full consideration in any given fiscal year, please submit requests by April 1.

If you wish to submit an idea for collaboration, please fill out either online form, or print and return the PDF form in accordance with the instructions contained within the form.

Questions and conversations are welcome and should be directed to Emily Steinhilber, ODU, Mark Luckenbach, VIMS, or Elizabeth Andrews, VCPC.


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