• The Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission has links to:
  • The Hampton Roads Intergovernmental Pilot Project
  • “Recommendations to the Secure Commonwealth Panel on the Issue of Sea Level Rise and Recurrent Flooding in Coastal Virginia” Released Sept. 5, 2014, the report seeks to “provide strategic and tactical recommendations for how the Commonwealth can respond and otherwise adapt to the threat of recurrent flooding and sea level rise.”
  • “Coastal Resiliency: Adapting to Climate Change in Hampton Roads” is a report released in July 2013 by NOAA, the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, and the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program.
  • A study released in November 2014 by Wetlands Watch states that fixing flood damaged properties in Hampton Roads could cost $431 million. Read the full study, The Challenge of Mitigating Virginia’s Flooding and Sea Level Rise Impacts, and the introduction citing jobs numbers.

  • Virginia Beach
    • Norfolk’s Resilience Challenge Information on Norfolk’s involvement in the 100 Resilient Cities, a global project created by the Rockefeller Foundation to improve cities in their resilience to the challenges of the 21st century.
    Newport News
    • Information on protecting property and businesses from flooding, FEMA Flood Map Service Center, updated natural hazard mitigation plan, understand FEMA flood insurance rate maps, Newport News’ alert information system, disaster evacuation and emergency shelters, flood preparation, elevation certificate, and real time tide and water level maps.
    • Information on floodplain mapping by FEMA for the national flood insurance program, storm surge flooding map, and emergency evacuation map. As well there are links to call to receive floodplain information, tide gauge monitors and tips for homeowners to prepare for and rebuild after a flood.
    • Information on flooding disasters, FEMA flooding insurance rate map for purchasing flood insurance, Portsmouth city code on floodplain development, Portsmouth's Community Rating System, the floodplain management plan, tide gauge and current water levels, and contact information.
    • Information on flooding history in Poquoson, actions to protect property, flood insurance through FEMA’s national flood insurance program, federal disaster relief, building permit information, and drainage system maintenance.
    Isle of Wight
    James City/Williamsburg
    • Tidewatch
      Interactive map of tide gauges with graphs of tidewatch station measurements with information on extratidal water and its effect on flooding (Interactive map).
    • SWIFT
      Information on the HRSD (Hampton Roads Sanitation Department) pilot project to add purified water to the Potomac aquifer to protect groundwater supply, flooding, saltwater intrusion, and reducing mineral deposition into the Chesapeake Bay. Information on the SWIFT (Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow) purification project.
    • Community Rating System (CRS)
      Information on the CRS program which provides discounts for flood insurance policies in participating communities in Virginia.
    • Stormwater Management
      Information on the Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) part in statewide stormwater management to reduce flooding.
    • Flooding
      Information for preparation for flooding, action during a flood, and recovery after a flood to protect property and health.
    • Manage Flood Risk
      Information on the growing danger of flooding with resources on how to combat localized and riverine flooding through green infrastructure.
    • Coastal Flooding
      Information on the change of the number of days with recorded minor flooding at various sites in the United States.
    • Supply Kit
      Lists for creating a supply kit to assist yourself during a disaster or emergency.
    • Flood Cleanup
      Information on clearing debris and preventing against wet objects molding.
    • Federal Assistance
      Information for how to receive federal disaster assistance as well as immediate disaster assistance from other state and charity organizations.
    • Disaster Assistance
      Information on finding assistance, applying for and checking the status of disaster assistance, and see which states and localities have declared disaster status.
    • Floods, CDC
      Links to pages with information on flood preparation food and water safety, post-flood cleanup and safety, worker safety, water safety, and materials for educating on floods.
    • Floodplain Management Ordinances
      Information on floodplain management regulations which communities are required to follow, but may exceed National Flood Insurance Plan requirements.
    • Permit for Floodplain Development
      Information on requirements and guidelines to obtain a permit before development begins on a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
    • Information for Policyholders
      Information for flood insurance policy holders covering how to initially purchase or renew flood insurance, understand what your flood insurance covers, file a claim, request a change in flood zone designation for the property, and contact information.
    • Policyholders: Help After a Disaster Declaration
      Information for filing a flood claim, contacting or locating a disaster recovery center to access FEMA disaster assistance (temporary housing, repair assistance, home replacement, permanent housing construction, or additional financial assistance), accessing FEMA’s national emergency family registry and locator system to reunite families separated due to a disaster. Other sources of aid linked include the Department of Justice to report mismanagement of disaster relief operations, Small Business Administration to apply for a low-interest loan for long-term recovery, Department of Agriculture for food stamp assistance, the American Red Cross for immediate emergency needs, or other charities.
    • National Flood Insurance Program: Forms
      Links to forms needed for purchasing or adjusting flood insurance.
    • Coastal Flood Risks Information on the risks of coastal flooding to the United States.
    • Coastal Flood Risk Study Process
      Information on the process that FEMA uses to develop and update FIRMs (flood insurance rate map) and FISs (flood insurance study), which delineate flood risk zones for insurance policies and flood risk and elevation data of communities, respectively.
    • Community Rating System
      Information on the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS), a voluntary program for localities to go beyond NFIP requirements to receive cost reductions for their citizens.
    • Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant Program
      Information on the purpose of FMA as well as the eligibility and process for receiving funds to reduce the long-term flood risks in an area.
    • Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
      Links to information for applying to the HMGP as an individual, state or local government, or federally-recognized tribe to fund proactive projects to reduce the long-term risk to a community’s population and property.
    • Floods
      Information on action to take in preparation for a flood, after receiving a flood watch or flood warning alert, or after a flood.
    • National Weather Service
      • Flooding in Virginia
        Information on the typical floods in Virginia and protective measures along with links to NWS forecast offices and river forecasting centers.
      • Flood Education and Outreach
        Links to videos/PSAs/DVDs, brochures, flyers, and articles on flood safety as well as links to information on the national flood insurance program and education materials on floods and the water cycle.
        • Focus on Floods
          NOAA partnership with Nature Nurture, includes information on signing up for flood alerts, creating a flood plan, recounting flood history, sharing flood stories, identifying flood zones, purchasing flood insurance, and vehicle safety as well as educational videos and articles.
      • Coastal Flood Risk Resources
        Links to brochures and fact sheets for rebuilding after a flood, communities adopting flood rate insurance maps or the community rating system (CRS), storm surge, myths and facts about the NFIP (national flood insurance program), coastal barrier resource act (CRBA), and much more.
      • US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
        • Building Resilience
          Information on how the Corps of Engineers assists communities to develop resilience to flood damage and repair after a disaster.
        • Floodplain Management
          Information on services the Corps of Engineers supplies on flood control and the process for applying for services.
        • Coastal Storm Adaptation
          Information on how the USACE is working to learn how climate change will impact coastal storms and will use that to protect human life, property, and ecosystems from flooding and wave damage.
        • Sea-Level Change Adaptation
          Information on how the Corps of Engineers researches sea level rise and their effect on storm surges, waves, and tides on the coastal landscape.
        • Water Management Adaptation
          Information on how the Corps of Engineers researches the effect of climate change on water resources.
        • Policy and Guidance
          Information on flood risk management project planning and emergency response for post-flood repairs.
      • NASA Sea Level Change
        Information on understanding the local effects that rising sea levels have on coastal communities including tides, storm surges, and land subsidence.
      • Trends in Flood Magnitude
        Map with explanation on changing trends in flooding across the United States with a link to the source report.
      • Water Supply
        Information on climate change’s impact on water supply, including flooding increases and threats to aquifers and wetlands.
      • Flood Cleanup
        Information on proper procedures for cleaning out a home after a flood to protect the health of its occupants and the property.
      • Making a Visible Difference in Communities
        Information on the EPA’s Making a Difference in Communities involvement in Newport News and Norfolk.
      • “Climate Change and Existing Law: A Survey of Legal Issues, Past, Present and Future” Sections “V: Sea Level Rise and Extreme Precipitation,” “VI: Other Adaptation Responses to Climate Change,” and “VII: Responding To and Rebuilding After Natural Disasters” are especially applicable.
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