Whether it be for your home or your business, preparation for this hurricane season is more than necessary. Obtaining flood insurance, creating an emergency kit and also having an evacuation plan in place are just some of the ways to stay equipped for the worse. Look below at the Virginia Hurricane Evacuation Zone Lookup Tool to make sure that you “Know Your Zone” in case of a storm. Visit vaemergency.gov to learn more about emergency kits and also to take a look at the Virginia Hurricane Evacuation Guide.
If you’re unsure, take the Coastal Virginia Business Resilience Self Assessment to get an idea of how resilient your business really is. This self-assessment tool has been developed for tourism industry organizations as a simple and inexpensive method of determining if tourism businesses are prepared for and able to maintain operations during and after coastal hazards, natural disasters, and extreme events. Completing the self-assessment will assist businesses in developing actions for building resilience.
“Know Your Zone” (Virginia Department of Emergency Management)
Virginia Hurricane Evacuation Zone Lookup Tool (Virginia Department of Emergency Management) https://vdemgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=5797524b9a58440c8dbc06816e060492