Google Streetview and The Virginia Foundation for the Humanities’ Encyclopedia Virginia have launched a virtual tour of Virginia’s Tangier Island, a climate and flooding-affected area, according to a new […]
A group of local experts, including those from CCRFR, discussed improvements to flood-prone areas in Hampton Roads with U.S. Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott on May […]
Sea level rise, economic opportunities and regional resiliency are all related, according to a panel of experts gathered in Hampton Roads recently. Speakers included Rick Weddle, […]
A recent issue of Distinction named “Change Agents” in the Tidewater climate and flooding activists. As the article said: For these activists, academics and nonprofit leaders, […]
On Friday, April 22, Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed a bill during an Earth Day ceremony officially creating the Commonwealth Center for Recurrent Flooding Resiliency, a joint […]