A recent issue of Distinction named “Change Agents” in the Tidewater climate and flooding activists. As the article said:
For these activists, academics and nonprofit leaders, the answer is simple: Show up every day. Bring folks together. Do the work.
Activists include Joe Cook, Chairman, Chesapeake Bay Group Executive Committee. The Sierra Club; Christy Everett, Hampton Roads director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation; Jonathan Nye, Community activist, Founder, Eco Cycling and Old Dominion University and Virginia Sea Grants’ own Dr. Michelle Covi, Assistant professor of practice, ODU’s Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department.
… Covi helps communities get environmental cooperation from all the players, including corporations, residents, civic groups, academic institutions and lawmakers.
Her dual role as researcher and communicator represents new ground for scientists, who in the past presented their research on climate change but left to others the work of finding solutions.
“One of the most difficult things about communicating about climate change is that we are moving into a different world than we’ve ever experienced,” she says. “There’s a lot of uncertainty.”