Google Streetview and The Virginia Foundation for the Humanities’ Encyclopedia Virginia have launched a virtual tour of Virginia’s Tangier Island, a climate and flooding-affected area, according to a new article from the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities.
According to VFH,
If no immediate action is taken, the island could disappear in the next 25-50 years, making the residents of Tangier Island some of the first climate-change refugees in the continental United States. Under such pressing circumstances, EV is using technology through its ongoing collaboration with Google Earth Outreach to document and preserve the imagery of the island before it is too late. “This is an important story and a very unique part of Virginia’s landscape and culture,” said EV director, Peter Hedlund. “We want to capture the stunning imagery of Tangier Island because in 25 years, it may be too late. It may be a place that no longer exists.”
Read the full article and find more information on the project at the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities website.