Completing VDEM’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance Pre-Application Form [Webinar]
April 9, 2018
10th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit
April 11, 2018
May 14, 2018 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Virginia Department of Emergency Management
10501 Trade Ct, North Chesterfield, VA 23236

This one-hour webinar provides an overview of the Hazard Mitigation Assistance application process. Participants will be instructed on how to complete the VDEM Hazard Mitigation Assistance Application form. Local government officials and state agency personnel interested in applying for hazard mitigation assistance grants are encouraged to enroll.

Register via the Virginia Learning Center (VLC) To locate the course in the VLC, search for“webinar” or “W0909” to locate the course.

You will receive the webinar information in a confirmation email about a week prior to the webinar to the email listed in the VLC.  Contact the VLC Help Desk @ 804-897-9995 or if you need assistance.

This is a non-CCRFR event. Please contact the organizers for more information. We periodically post outside events that may be of interest to our followers. If you’d like your event listed, please contact us.

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