VCPC Women in the Environment (WINE) Breakfast
August 16, 2019
2019 EPA International Decontamination Research and Development Conference
August 22, 2019
August 22, 2019 – August 30, 2019 all-day

Join in for the 11th International Conference on Decontamination Research and Development hosted by U.S. EPA’s Office of Research and Development’s National Homeland Security Research Center. This conference is designed to facilitate presentation, discussion, further collaboration on research and development, and application of tools and research focused on an all-hazards approach to cleaning up contaminated buildings (both interior and exterior), infrastructure, and other areas/materials. The conference continues to focus strongly on matters involving CBR threat agents, but also includes all hazard elements. The conference brings together researchers, first responders, community leaders and planners, and industry.The conference will be held on November 19th-21st at the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel. Click Here for more information.

The call for abstracts has been extended until August 30th. Click Here for more information on how to submit abstracts.


Student Poster Competition

Current students and recent graduates are invited to participate in a poster competition where they will gain experience in concisely presenting their results to a panel of judges with scientific backgrounds. Participants will be expected to deliver a 5-minute lightning talk to the panel of judges when they arrive at their poster during the poster session. The participants will be judged on knowledge/presentation of the lightning talk (35 points) and the poster’s scientific content (35 points), visual appeal (20 points), and potential research impact (10 points). All students will receive an evaluation form with feedback from the judges.  The top three posters will be announced during the conference. The top winner will be invited to showcase their research as part of an official EPA Homeland Security Research Program webinar and received a signed certificate.


– “Please select “Yes, I am a student and would be interested in participating in a poster competition” on the abstract submission form.

-Students must be currently enrolled in an institution of higher learning OR have graduated within the previous 6 months.

-Data used for the poster competition must have been collected while enrolled in school.

Student Video Competition

Current students and recent graduates are invited to participate in a video competition to highlight their research discoveries to a diverse, non-specialist audience. The purpose of the video competition is to allow students to communicate the impact of their work in a creative way.  Participants are encouraged to describe how they view their work relating to Homeland Security. There are no discipline specific restrictions. Videos that pass the organizing committee’s review and contain each of the key components (see eligibility) will be shown throughout the conference and conference attendees will vote on the crowd favorite. The winning video will be announced at the conference and posted to the conference website. The winner will also be invited to showcase their research as part of an official EPA Homeland Security Research Program webinar and receive a signed certificate. Student attendance at the conference is encouraged (registration is free!), but not mandatory to participate in the student video competition. Students should post their video to YouTube and share a link of their submission. Video links should be submitted by November 4th, 2019  to


-Please indicate “EPA Student Video Competition at International Decon Conference 2019” in the subject line of email when sharing video links.

-Video submissions should be no longer than 2 minutes in length and must contain the following key components: Who you are, where you study, the goals of your research, how you conduct your work, and your intended impact to Homeland Security research.

-Students must be currently enrolled in an institution of higher learning OR have graduated within the previous 6 months.

-Data used for the video competition must have been collected while enrolled in school


This is a non-CCRFR event. Please contact the organizers for more information. We periodically post outside events that may be of interest to our followers. If you’d like your event listed, please contact us.

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