Virginia Sea Grant, Old Dominion University and the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission plan and host quarterly meetings to bring together professionals in adaptation. Among those who participate include local municipal government staff, scientific experts, private sector engineers, state and federal agency staff, NGOs and other stakeholders. The quarterly forums are hosted to facilitate regional coordination, the exchanging of information and particularly the sharing of best practices in adaptation. –
On May 19, 2017 The Hampton Roads Adaptation Forum took place with a focus on modeling and managing extreme precipitation. The Forum consisted of an audience of not only representatives from Local Hampton Roads Community Partners interested in flooding and emergency response, but also some researchers interested in modeling flooding and the economic impacts of flooding.
Dr. Derek Loftis of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) presented a 45 minute presentation of his Flood Modeling results and Rainfall Flooding simulations during Hurricane Matthew. View his slideshow here.
For a WebEx recording of the Forum and to view other presenter’s slideshows please click here.